Advent 2015 // Let Nothing Disturb You

Sirach 30:21-24 John 15:1-11 Psalm 61

Today’s passage from Sirach tells us not to give into our sorrow, anger, or jealousy. It’s not an easy thing to do, even in this holiday season. Some people have to deal with Seasonal Affective Disorder, which affects their mood this time of year. Some people are angry at all the long lines and delays. Some are jealous of those who have more. We may feel sorrowful  or angry about the past and jealous or regretful about what we could’ve done better.

In all this negative thinking, we forget the good of the present moment. Something I learned from handling anxiety is that when we become more aware of our thoughts, we can change them. That means learning how to focus on the present moment, which is not an easy thing to do.

Being aware of the present moment does mean distracting ourselves with television or going on the computer. It means to be aware of God being with us in the moment. The passage from John is a familiar one: “I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing.”

So if you’re feeling sorrow, anger, or jealousy right now, go into a state of prayer. Meditate on today’s passages or this quote from St. Teresa of Avila:

Let nothing disturb you,

Let nothing frighten you,

All things are passing away:

God never changes.

Patience obtains all things

Whoever has God lacks nothing;

God alone suffices.

When we rest with the Lord, we find the joy of His presence. We remember that He is more than enough. There’s a certain joy in knowing that we can abide in the Lord, resting in his arms like it says in Psalm 61. I pray that today, you will find joy and peace in the presence of the Lord.

Study Questions

1.Are there times during the holiday season when you felt sad or angry or resentful? What are some ways you can change that way of thinking?

2.How can we apply what St. Teresa of Avila said to the times when we feel sad, jealous, or angry?

3.Psalm 61 was written for David. How do you think verses 6 and 7 can apply to us even though we’re not kings?

This year's study journal is broken into 4 parts. 

To view each, please scroll to the middle of the above link.