Biblical Charity // Care for God's Creation

Genesis 1:1-31

I had the privilege of studying abroad for four and half months in Austria. In those four and half months I met a certain beauty that was unimaginable. One of the classes I took was Ethics, in this class we were challenged to go walk outside and soak in the beauty. Soak in why God created things the way he did. In that time, I truly realized that God created the hills, the trees, the flowers, and the waterfalls. Everything around me that surrounded me was created by God for a reason and it was my duty to make sure that it wasn’t harmed, it was not destroyed and that it wasn’t abused. But this didn’t just stop there, as I traveled back I realized I had been surrounded by his beauty each and every day in my very own hometown.

 The land itself must be given  a rest and not abused. - See Leviticus 25: 1-7

 You see, when God made all the land, and all the heavens and the earth it was good, and he wanted us as man and woman to take care of Creation.

Humans are commanded to care for Gods  creation. -Genesis 2:15

Because God created us and created Earth, they are good because they are of the Lord. The beauty of the flowers, the trees, the mountains shows how God truly puts beauty and care into what he creates. He created the mountains tall and mighty to show that He is mighty and righteous. He created the rivers, lakes and oceans to show us how deep his love runs for us and constantly flowing and overflowing with his love for us.

Creation and all created things are inherently good because they are of the Lord. -1 Corinthians 10:26

It is our duty to take care of creation, the things that he gave us to show just how much he loves us and cares about us. He created the little hills and mountains and even the barren desserts to show that even in the dust and dirt there is beauty. Not just are our surroundings beautiful, but it provides for us as well. It is the land and the waters that provide us with nourishment to eat every day. We are not asked to take over the role of God in taking care of creation, but are called to take care of the gift that was given to us.

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