Biblical Charity // Grace & Confession

Eph 4:24, 1 Cor 6:11, 1 Peter 1:18

In order for us to truly be able to receive that sanctifying grace, which is the first thing we need in order to get into heaven, we need to receive the sacraments in order to allow that sanctifying grace to grow and sustain itself in us. But one of the most important things of sanctifying grace is that when we commit a mortal sin, the sanctifying grace that is in us goes away. Mortal sins tear us away from God, they complete destroy God in our souls. So when we do this we have fallen out of grace, fallen from that ability to get to heaven, fallen from the chance of a life with God.

Confession is that chance to get back your sanctifying grace, it is the chance to purify us, it is the chance to get that initial grace back so that we can get into heaven and start to sustain our souls for a life with God. We are ‘created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness’ (Eph 4:24) so we should strive for this each day. Of course we will still sin and are still tempted to sin, but God removes the guilt of the sins we have committed and removes the sins we have. We must be washed clean in order to enter heaven; (1 Cor. 6: 11)

 “knowing that you were ransomed from your futile conduct not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of the lamb.” - 1 Peter 1:18

You see we are called to be unblemished and clean as we enter heaven, which is why confession is important for our salvation. It is so important because it wipes clean every sin from us. We are made in the image and likeness of God and in that when we go to confession we are made anew in him, and are made of as a spotless unblemished lamb. Every time we go to confession, the precious blood of the Sacrificial Lamb is poured over us redeeming us of our sins and washing them away. This is much like when we wash away dirt after a hard days work outside, when it is washed away, it is gone-it won’t just jump up from the drain and get back on you, it’s gone. This is what happens through confession, the blood of the Sacrificial lamb washes away our sins and allows us to be clean in order to enter heaven and to be able to sustain our souls for heaven.

Our souls are dependent on sanctifying grace and confession in order to be in heaven with God. It is our jobs to do everything in our power to get to confession as much as possible to keep our sanctifying grace free of mortal sin and to stay in the image and likeness of God. 

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